Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My promise...

Today I had a doctor's appointment and was reminded of how blessed I am to have a doctor with similar values. He said something in passing that is still ringing in my head right now. When discussing some treatment options, he talked about how "NFP-ing" while on the pill (for medical reasons) was keeping the promise to God about keeping Him in the marriage. While he created a verb to make his point - it was one that I have failed to mention. One of the great benefits of Natural Family Planning is keeping God first and agreeing with him when he states that man is "very good." Fertility is included in that statement and I love that Will and I use NFP to respect that part of God's plan for our life. It has helped us grow to be more self-giving (like when my husband cleans the kitchen for me) and for that I am thankful. Above all, I know that my husband honors me - all of me. Even without the religious aspect - I think this practice has helped us and will help anyone who is willing. It is liberating to know that what we are doing is natural and has many blessings I have already benefited from in less than a year of marriage.

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